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Puffy & Precious Page 9

  I shrugged. “I’m crazy?”

  Graham laughed. “Try again, Ab.”

  I sighed. “Brett was very controlling. When you said you’re good at being in control it made me think you were like him. I guess I kind of lost it. Today though, seeing you with Brett, and even before when you were with the woman and boys, I knew I’d made a mistake. You’re right. I was a fool to marry Brett. I was an even bigger fool to push you away because of him.”

  “It’s okay, Abby.”

  I shrugged again. “Maybe we can try again some time.”

  He tipped my face up with a finger under my chin. “Another date?”

  I nodded, chewing my lip.

  “I’m not waiting until the weekend again. How about tomorrow?”

  I smiled and started to say yes when I remembered it was Monday. “Tomorrow I get together with my friends. I could do tonight? Or Wednesday?”

  He smiled. “I’m working both. Thursday?” I nodded. “And Abby?”


  “I’m glad to know your ex is finally out of the way.”

  Chapter 11

  The next afternoon Tara stopped by before girls’ night. “Men suck,” she announced when she walked in. “I’m starting to think you have the right idea with avoiding dating.”

  “I have a date Thursday night,” I blurted.

  “What! With Graham?”

  I nodded. “I’m starting to get a complex though. I’ve asked him out both times.”

  “Both times? Wait, what did I miss?”

  I relayed what happened the week before with the bookshelf. Tara oohed and aahed over it appropriately, gushing about how sweet he was. Then I told her about dinner and my freak out.

  “And he showed up again?”

  “I know. I thought I’d never see him after that one. But yeah, and then he threatened Brett.”

  “Good for him. I knew I liked him. No more flipping out, okay?”

  “Yes, mom.”

  Tara laughed. “Maybe I need to hang around here more. The only men who come into Coming Up Daisies are buying flowers for other women. It’s not exactly conducive to meeting someone decent.”

  “Graham wouldn’t be coming here except he helped build it. He got to try out all the freebies before I opened for business.”

  Tara looked like she was about to pop. After a minute she burst out laughing, slapping the counter in front of her.

  “What is so funny?” I asked, completely confused what was going on.

  “He didn’t get enough freebies but I’m glad to know you’re not open for business.”

  “Oh, shut up! You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I do,” she said suggestively.

  I shook my head. “You’re horrible.”

  “You love it!”

  The phone rang before I could say anything else. I reached for it and said, “It’s a great day for SkinnyCakes! This is Abby, how may I help you?”

  “Hi Abby, it’s Olivia Humphrey, from Mayor Ramsey’s office.”

  “Hi, Olivia. How are you?”

  “I’m doing well. Thank you. I called to let you know Wyatt has decided you were the best candidate for the Kick-Off The Summer Picnic.”

  “Oh, that’s great!”

  “I hope it is. Um, there’s one thing though. He said you two already talked about this, but he wants your desserts to have a more universal appeal. Something everyone will enjoy.”

  I sighed. “I know. I’m still working on that.”

  “Well, this isn’t easy to tell you, but he wants a final tasting with you Friday. He wants to try everything you plan to have at the picnic. Is that going to work for you?”

  It would make for a tough week, but I would do it. I had no choice. Brett wasn’t going to win. “Yes, I’ll be there. Thank you, Olivia.”

  “See you Friday.”

  I hung up with a sigh, hoping I really could do it. It was Tuesday. Wednesday I was working all day for Brett. That meant I had one day to bake everything I needed for Friday’s meeting.

  “What was that all about?” Tara asked.

  “The mayor wants to hire me, but he thought my desserts weren’t basic enough to appeal to the whole crowd.”

  “What did you bring?”

  I cringed. “Red velvet mini-cakes.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Rhubarb pie.”


  “Butterscotch crème brûlée.”

  “That sounds good.”

  “Caramel apple tartlets.”

  “I’m starting to understand.”

  “Mini cannolis.”

  “Good, but messy.”

  “And pears wrapped in puff pastry.”



  “He was right.”

  “I know!” I threw my hands up in the air. “I wanted to impress him with my skills. He loved everything I brought, but he said the parents will have to force their kids to try it. I need to bring stuff that everyone will like.”

  “You’re doing well here. Why can’t you bring stuff from here?”

  I shrugged. “I wanted to make all new stuff. Things that weren’t available here or anywhere. I might add them to the menu after, but before I want them to be special.”

  “What about taking some of your recipes and modifying them?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. My nose wrinkled and I fought the urge to shake my head. I knew she meant well, but I wanted new stuff.

  “Well, you’ll figure it out. Are you ready to head over to Bite Me!?”

  I nodded and grabbed my purse. “Yep. Let’s go.”

  Wednesday morning I got up and put on my gray suit with a purple camisole underneath. I was not happy to be shutting down my shop, or to be working with Brett for the day. I needed to work on some new recipes for Mayor Ramsey. I’d prefer to have two days to get them perfected, but I’d settle for one day.

  I had no choice.

  Brett was already in the office when I got there.

  “Get me a cup of coffee, would you?” he said when I walked into his office. The first of the assistant candidates were supposed to be there in an hour. “Oh, and after that take care of all the paperwork on your desk.”

  I resisted the urge to remind him to say please because I knew it wouldn’t matter. Brett never had good manners and I wasn’t his mother.

  An hour later the first candidate walked in wearing a nicely tailored black suit with a green shirt underneath. The gray tie he wore around his neck made his eyes look a shade closer to gray than green. He smiled warmly at me and shook my hand, introducing himself as Howard Wright.

  “Thank you for coming in.”

  He shuffled his feet. “May I ask why you’re leaving?”

  I smiled at him. “Mr. Bentley is not my employer. I’ve been helping him out where I can, but I own a bakery in town. His last assistant simply got another job.”

  I forced myself to be diplomatic. If I told the truth, that Brett was a conniving piece of shit that manipulated me for too many years, I’d never hire a new assistant for him.

  “That’s good to know,” Howard said. “He has a reputation for being incredibly talented. I’d love the chance to work here.”

  “I’m sure you would.”

  We talked for a few more minutes until Brett finished what he was doing. The three of us went into the conference room, and I took notes while Brett interviewed Howard.

  Howard answered Brett’s first question, why he wanted to work there, with a touch of hero envy. I saw Brett’s chest puff as he realized the other man was in awe of him. When Brett asked what Howard knew about the type of work Brett did, his head got even bigger. Howard was well informed.

  The third question was the beginning of the end and thirty minutes later Howard left the room with his shoulders slumped and his tie loosened. Once the door closed behind him I turned on Brett. “What’s wrong with you? He was a great candidate.”

  Brett shoo
k his head. “I don’t want a doormat. The guy was afraid of his own shadow.”

  I shook my head and went out to meet the next candidate. An older woman was waiting next to my desk. “Hello. How can I help you?”

  “I’m Suzanne Alexander. I have an interview today.”

  “Nice to meet you, Ms. Alexander. I’m Abby. I’ll be helping Mr. Bentley with the interview. If you’re ready we can go in.”

  “I’m ready. Thank you.”

  We walked into the conference room as Brett was drinking his water. His eyes scanned Suzanne’s body then met mine. I could see in his expression he wasn’t willing to give her a shot based solely on the way she looked. Because she wasn’t in her 20’s with big breasts and a tiny waist Brett decided she wasn’t good enough. Screw him.

  “This is Suzanne,” I told him. “Suzanne, this is Mr. Bentley.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she said sweetly, extending her hand to shake. He stared at it long enough that I felt uncomfortable, then finally reached forward and shook her hand and grunted.

  What did I ever see in him?

  Brett asked her the same nine questions he’d asked Howard, but I knew by the end Brett was a little impressed with Suzanne. I also knew there wasn’t a chance in hell she’d ever accept a job working with him. He was too much of an ass.

  The next three candidates faired about as well as Suzanne and Howard. By the time the sixth person walked in I was getting a little anxious that I’d be stuck working for Brett forever. “I’m Abby,” I said to the woman who walked in. She appeared to be a few years younger than me with dark hair and a slender figure. She instantly put me on edge, but I had no doubt Brett would love her.

  She tossed her hair. “I’m Megan Donahue. I have an interview.” Her eyes grazed over me before a smirk crossed her lips.

  I fought the urge to adjust my suit to cover my belly. Women like her always made me self conscious. She was perfect on the outside, but far from it inside. I reminded myself of that frequently when I was with my friends. Women like Megan Donahue would overlook all of us. She’d never be interested in being a friend of mine, or friends with any of my friends. She was the one missing out though.

  “Mr. Bentley will see us now.”

  Megan followed me into the conference room. Brett’s eyes lit up when he saw her. He shook her hand warmly. “I’m Brett Bentley. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Megan gave him a friendly smile and claimed the seat next to him. I sat as far away from them as I could get.

  “Tell me about yourself, Megan,” Brett said, leaning back in his chair.

  She crossed her legs, drawing his eyes. “I’ve been working for McArthur and Kline for the last few years. I’ve been the executive assistant to McArthur for the last year.”

  “Why do you want to leave?”

  She shrugged. “It’s time to move on.”

  Her vague answer put me on guard but didn’t seem to phase Brett. He continued, “Why do you want to work here?”

  “Your… reputation proceeds you.”

  Another red flag for me that Brett ignored.

  “How did you hear about the position here?”

  “I know Maggie. She told me when she… left.”

  My back stiffened, but I delighted ever so slightly when Brett’s did, too. He resolutely ignored me as he cleared his throat and moved on. “Are you a team player?”

  She licked her lips and I nearly threw up. “I’d be on your team any day… Mr. Bentley.”

  “Good to know, Megan. Uh, what position do you prefer when working on a team?”

  “I like all positions,” she purred.

  Yep, I needed to get the hell out of there. “I’ll be back in a minute,” I said to absolutely no one since neither of them were paying any attention to me.

  I sat down at the desk and ignored the giggles and other noises from the conference room. Brett was sickening. I couldn’t believe he was in there fucking one of the candidates for his assistant. Actually, I could believe it.

  Megan walked out of the conference room with smeared lipstick and messed up hair. She gave me a satisfied, triumphant grin before she left. I wanted to throw up.

  The next candidate walked in shortly after Megan left. He was absolutely adorable with his boyish exuberance and eager smile. I liked him instantly. “I’m Oliver McKenna. I have an interview with Mr. Bentley.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Oliver. I’m Abby. Mr. Bentley should be ready to see you soon.”

  “I’ll just wait here with you, if that’s okay.” I nodded. “What’s he like to work for?”

  I shrugged, again feeling as though I couldn’t tell the truth. “He’s a tough boss, but fair, I think. In truth I’m only filling in a day a week until we can hire someone.”

  “Oh, is he looking for someone to start immediately then?”

  “Yes,” I nodded. “That’s preferable at least. If whoever he selects isn’t available right away he could be willing to wait, but I’m hoping to find someone available now.”

  “That’s perfect for me. I just finished school and am looking to start a job right away.”

  “Abby?” Brett called from the other room. “Is there another one?”

  I smiled at Oliver. “You ready?” I asked him.

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  “Let’s go.”

  Oliver followed me to the conference room, pausing to take a deep breath before walking through the door. He greeted Brett warmly, not commenting on his untucked shirt or crooked tie or the lipstick staining his cheek.

  “Is this the last one?” Brett asked me, effectively ignoring Oliver.

  “Yes. Oliver gained a lot of experience during school and met all the criteria we discussed.”

  Oliver looked uncomfortable with us talking about him as though he wasn’t there. I didn’t want to come out and say that he was the candidate I thought was the best fit, but that was why I saved his interview for last. Between his degree in criminal justice and his extensive background as a paralegal, he was a slam dunk for the job.

  “Why are you looking for a new job?” Brett asked gruffly, finally straightening his tie.

  I shrugged when Oliver peeked at me. He took a breath and said, “I just graduated with my Master’s degree. I’ve been working part time, and my current employer is retiring. He’s decided to go into teaching and is finishing up the last few cases.”

  “Why haven’t you found another job by now?”

  I wanted to slap Brett.

  “Searching for a job when I was taking exams was tough. Plus, I enjoyed my time working there. I didn’t want to leave until I knew the work was done. I guess you could say it’s one of my weaknesses. I struggle to let go of something until it’s done.”

  “I’d say that’s a strength,” I told him.

  Oliver smiled at me, Brett glared.

  “So you like to be in charge?”

  Oliver shook his head. “No, I wouldn’t say that. I work well with others, but I like knowing a job is done. I can’t walk away from a project, or a case.”

  “Why do you think you would do well here?”

  I cleared my throat loud enough that there was no mistaking my intention. Brett turned his icy glare toward me and I widened my eyes at him. He took a deep breath but forced a smile at Oliver. Oliver watched our exchange carefully before answering. “I’ve always enjoyed the law and would love the opportunity to work with someone like you. I’ve seen you in court and have been impressed by your ability to talk to a witness and get the information the jury needs to deliver a verdict. I hope to go to law school one day and would love to learn from the best.”

  Oliver was good. I had to hand it to him. Brett’s chest puffed out and his whole demeanor changed. He talked to Oliver for the next hour, making it clear he enjoyed hearing how great he was. Oliver played into it and by the time he left, the two of them were buddies.

  Finding Brett a new assistant was even easier than I’d hoped.

  Chapter 12

  I hired Oliver to work with Brett before I left the office that evening. Because he was so behind, I worked for Brett hours later than I wanted to, again eliminating any chance I had at getting any baking done.

  SkinnyCakes was a mad house all day Thursday. It appeared word had gotten around that I was doing the baking for the picnic and half the town came in to try out what I had. By three I was ready to collapse. I was baking as fast as I could and had customers waiting until their chosen dessert was out of the oven. It was great for business, but hell on planning. I had less than twenty-four hours until I was meeting with Mayor Ramsey again.

  And nothing new to show him.

  When I finally closed the doors Thursday afternoon I was ready to get off my feet. I didn’t want to bake for the mayor at SkinnyCakes since I was doing small batches, so I locked up and headed home. After a long, hot shower, I got to work.

  I had flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking soda and powder, vanilla, eggs, butter, and oil on the counter, and nothing in my brain. My mind was shot from my day. Between working for Brett and being swamped at SkinnyCakes, I had nothing left. No creativity. No ideas. Nothing.

  A knock on the door startled me. I padded to it, wondering who was there and hoping they wouldn’t stay long. When it swung open, I was momentarily confused when I saw Graham beaming at me. Then I remembered.

  We were supposed to be going on a date.

  “You forgot, didn’t you?” he asked, his smile slipping.

  I sighed. I could lie, but that wouldn’t do either of us any good. I’d learned that the hard way. “I did. I’m sorry. Come in and I’ll get changed.” I looked down at my yoga capris and tank top with the built-in bra that did nothing to support me and crossed my arms. My face heated. “Sorry.”

  Graham shook his head, a smile creeping onto his face. “I like this look. Of course I’d rather not share it with anyone else. What were you doing?”

  He followed me into the kitchen and saw the mess. “Were you baking?”

  I was going to put the flour away but set it down when I realized I’d have to figure out something after our date. I had to have desserts ready for Mayor Ramsey. And a date wasn’t a good reason for not being prepared.